and don't know who Abel Rocha is..
Let us tell you that words cannot describe this guy's talent you gotta see it to believe it....
He is an award winning artist who's talents range from Tattooing to Air brushing, to amazing Digital art. Although Abel Rocha is great at whatever style of work he does, he clearly reigns supreme at custom "Black & Grey" style tattooing. He has an awe-inspiring ability to capture a persons likeness when he takes on a portrait like no one else. As for his custom tattoos, just take a look at some of his work above. He began by drawing directly on the skin with a pen and followed that up with his tattoo machine, resulting in a marvelous tattoo that has all the qualities of realistic nature. Abel Rocha's tattoos have life to them, they are never flat or boring he brings so much detail to them, that anyone looking long enough will be captured themselves only in pure amazement. It is our great pleasure to work with Abel Rocha we look forward to many more of his masterpieces and will post more of his work as it is available.